Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

When I created this space, I wasn't certain what it would contain.
Losing my dear Suki was top of mind; the initial post helped me express grief.

Months have passed and I keep wondering what this page is all about. It was my thought to chronicle some of my travels ~ trips to places, journeys of the soul, whatever came to mind. Maybe the answer lies in just getting started ~ again.

Today, I celebrate an anniversary. Not only did I start with my current employer a few decades ago, but I made some friends that have been there since the beginning.

Tonight, I was invited to join a group of friends for dinner. The Dirty Dozen. This group of friends worked together at the same company, primarily heading up the leader team for the company's order phone operation. They bonded for a variety of reasons - similar life stories, a safe place to 'bitch' about work, a support group to get through Life's trials.

Over the years, they have met monthly, each taking turns hosting the group activity. Sadly, one of the original Dozen was lost to a valiant battle with cancer. The group still honors her 'month' with a special celebration. Along the way, they have included others in their dinners - partners, parents, friends, co-workers. It can be an interesting mix.

Tonight, there were 8 of the original Dozen, plus a couple of partners and friends. As I sat with the long-time friends, I realized how many of my Life's moments these people have impacted; been an intregal part of. It caught my breath and I had to step away from the table for a moment to gather my thoughts.

As I was refilling my soda, I thought about the past two decades and how much these friends have meant to me. Then, a "wow" moment ~ two of these people were my original trainers; another of the group scared the bejesus outta me. Then a bigger "WOW" ~ it was 21 years ago today that a funky college student, looking for extra holiday cash, stepped into a very straightlaced company.

Terry & DJ ~ what a pair; trainers extraordinaire. Like mutt & jeff, they each had unique qualities that made their partnership work. I didn't quite appreciate it then - was too worried about not being in the right place - but I see it now. They fit. They are still best of friends and have lives interwoven with the partners/spouses. I have travelled many, many miles with them - through three countries and a world of experience.

This first foray would be imcomplete with mention of the third person who's been of great impact to my life. Dear Kathie. She was the first person at work who scared the bejesus outta me... and is now one of my closest friends. This non-nonsense, former Okie can seem very stern at first. She's direct and brokers no fools. What I was soon to discover is that this woman had a wicked sense of ironic humor, a keen intelligence, a capacity for great sharing, and a heart as wide as the Oklahoma landscape she was born to.

I know I'll add more to this phase of my experience, but not tonight.
Tonight is recognizing an important date from my past;
Tonight is acknowledging that I am fortunate to be among friends;
Tonight is putting thoughts into words and onto this page.